Electric and Plumbing and HVAC, Oh My!

Oh yeah, we have a blog! Our poor, neglected blog. Thanks for still reading this stuff! It’s time to get updated on the house. Andrew just saw some of the photos below and said, “I miss when our house was like that.” It is funny to look back and see the “guts” of the house that are now hidden from sight. I’m not sure I miss it, but the kids did have a lot of fun running around and in between the walls.

After the house got enclosed, the electrical, plumbing and HVAC (heating, venting and air conditioning) could all get started. We eventually took pictures of every wall so we can have some reference for where stuff is located in the future, but I’ll spare you all those pictures. (I should probably look through them soon and label them, or we will totally forget what they are anyway.) It is quite interesting to know what is behind your walls! So many things are needed to get it to all fit in and work right.

May I introduce you to our furnace:087Then, the furnace started growing appendages, sprawling to the far ends of the house.017Some runs go up and some go down, but most of the spaces between the floor joists got filled.088Ben and a couple friends did all the cable and internet wiring. They spent many hours out there on evenings and weekends. We are thankful for knowledgeable friends who give of their time. It takes a village. 022The kids got in some reading time one night while Dad worked. It is a little chilly without heat. 😉023Gas lines:049Plumbing and electrical:097143Our septic system went in, too.145144A new game they invented called “Roley Poley,” where they kicked PVC pieces down the stairs.157160The bottom of the stairs were blocked off to keep the worker’s portable heater from heating the entire house.031Electical boxes: (Are you bored yet?)007Some areas get pretty crowded, such as the mudroom/laundry room: 023_1And the stuff in the attic space is crazy!015And, yes, the vent pipes and drain pipes work well for telephone! 059I conclude this tour of our homes insides with our furnace, water heater and water lines. Although, they are not behind drywall, so you can come view them at your leisure. 081


One thought on “Electric and Plumbing and HVAC, Oh My!

  1. The workmanship looks to be A1. You are lucky to have a talented husband with good friends. I hope the weather gets better so your property can be settled. Thanks for the pictures. Love, Grandma

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