A Poem

I’m clearing some piles from our dining room table this morning, and thought I should share this poem written by Andrew. Each student in his class wrote a poem about a body part. We saw them when visiting his classroom one day. Most kids wrote about their eyes or arms. Andrew, fittingly, wrote about his brain.

My Brain

By Andrew

The best part of me is my brain.

My brain speaks to my body.

My brain sends messages like a computer.

My brain cells zap and zip.

No nick, no trick, and no need to click.

Crooked, light, and goes ummm when it thinks, also as smart as a whip.

Brains bring bubbly things to bodies.

It is thoughtful and imagines a lot.

Now my poem is almost done.

So now my brain will dream about itself, my body’s number one.

I Have a Dream

My most favorite thing to find in the kids backpacks is something they have written, such as a journal or story. In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, Andrew was supposed to write about a dream that would make the world a better place. Here you go:

I have a dream that every body would have a robot. The robot will clean your room, be your friend, do your homework, and tell you all the ansers to your Math test. They will have a computer in it and will log you on then change the password. They will chase away bad guys to the police staion. There will also be a buton to take you anywhere you want to go, even a made up place. They will turn sergrets (cigarettes) to food. They will turn litter into more robots! They will make food for you too. Robots are awesome!

I really must share more of these, because they are so worth sharing. Here’s to robots! I could use one to clean my room, too. 🙂

Cardboard Boat

Once upon a time, there was a girl who liked to blog. She must have gotten eaten up by a scary monster, or carried off to a dungeon in a remote castle, because she has not blogged for a very, very long time.

But, alas, she is not dead! She is just lost at sea. Thankfully, she was equipped with a boat constructed by her kids last spring.

097As you can see, there is seating for three, so she has plenty of room to be comfortable.

The boat is also equipped with many conveniences and features to help her survive such a long time on the sea.

096 There is food.

101 A camera and other treats like cupcakes and ice cream with a cherry on top. Or maybe that’s a martini? 😉 Either option would likely be welcomed on a raft lost at sea.

095 There is a lovely window for viewing sea creatures swimming below. They are all happy little creatures. No sharks or mean fish.


099 You can store your purse and other treasures under your seat.

103 There are controls in the front of the boat.

100 And, very importantly, a motor in the back for when you get tired of paddling.



111So, while the girl who likes to blog is lost at sea, she sends this message via the boat communication system (not pictured): Give your kids the gift of cardboard. The possibilities are endless!



Here Comes the Circus!

As I mentioned before, seeing Madagascar 3 seemed to inspire the kids to put on their own circus. It took quite a bit of time and energy to discuss, practice and perform their circus. There was a moment when two of the kids seemed to be on strike and one kid was pouting. Mom stayed pretty “hands off” and let them work things out, which they did.

Our tickets:

The program:

Ladies and gentlemen …

Pay no attention to those hiding in the background. 😉

Sword fighting shall commence.

Acrobats and/or swinging with Morgan.

(Pictures are taken pre-drought. Look at that green grass!)

The girls, mainly Morgan, had several costume changes, which caused delays in the entertainment. The audience may have gotten a little restless. At one point, Andrew said, “I think all the girls care about is their clothes.”

The conclusion of the circus actually occurred the next day, as bedtime was approaching. The conclusion included ball games and a dance on the front porch.

Who needs a big top? Not the Drost kids.