Random Funnies

We visited Great Grandma & Grandpa Van Utrecht last Sundy, and while we were there the kids had some funny sayings. Several others who were there reminded us to write those sayings down, as we think we’ll remember them, but that’s impossible. So, here’s some random funnies from the last few months:

Ben’s Uncle Andy says to Morgan, “Hello, Morgan! How are you?”

Morgan gets a strange look on her face and says with a scratchy voice, “Actually, I am very, very sick.”

We all laugh because she is completely fine. She said the same thing the other day when we took Paige to the doctor for her 6 month check-up.

A little while later, cookies are being served. Uncle Andy says something about sick kids aren’t allowed to eat cookies.

Morgan does a little sniff of her nose and pauses for a second and says, “I don’t hear my coughs anymore!” And then she procedes to go get her cookie at the table.

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Sometime in December, Ben was getting dressed for church and wore his suit. Morgan saw him and said, “Dad, you are fancy!”

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I was getting kids to bed one night and asked if anyone wanted to pray. Both kids did, so I said Morgan could go first and then Andrew. Andrew started crying and whining that he wanted to go first. I then explained to him that praying isn’t about going first or last, it’s just talking to God, thanking Him for what He’s done, saying sorry for things we’ve done wrong and asking Him to help us. Morgan prayed and Andrew followed … I don’t have the exact words of his whole prayer, but this was one little part …

“I’m sorry for the naughty things I did. If I do too many naughty things, Jesus will have to die on the cross again.”

After we finished praying, I explained (or attempted to explain) that Jesus only had to die once. I’m not sure I got my point across, but I tried!

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When Morgan prays, she likes to thank God for all of the things that just happened. Here’s a classic from one night when Mom and Paige got out for a friend’s birthday party and Ben was home with Andrew and Morgan:

“Dear Jesus, thank you for me and Andrew.

Thank you for me and Andrew to play Little People.

Thank you for Mommy to go away.

Thank you for Daddy to be here.”

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Shortly before Christmas, Andrew was talking about how he wanted to get a race track from Santa. I asked Morgan what she wanted from Santa, but she wasn’t really paying attention. So I said, “Morgan, do you want a race track from Santa?”

“Yes!” she replied very enthuiastically. (She was listening!)

Andrew said, “No, Morgan, race tracks are for boys.”

“I want one that is pink and purple and has sparkles,” Morgan said.

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Ben determined that Andrew calls pop/soda “hot” because it is fizzy. (That’s our best guess, anyway.) One night he was explaining his theory of Mt. Dew.

“Mt. Dew is hot because it comes from lava in a volcano.”

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One night while in the van, Andrew says from the backseat, “When I’m bigger I’m going to marry Morgan and Paige.”


2 thoughts on “Random Funnies

  1. Thank you to whoever told you to write these down! What fun to picture each one of them as thay said these things 🙂

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